Falling in Love Backwards

Falling In Love Backwards, An unlikely tale of Happily Ever After“Amazing, compelling, gripping—I couldn’t stop reading. I appreciated the rawness of it and how you had to get out of your head and listen to your heart. Such a testimony of the true meaning of courage, the root of which is ‘heart’.”
Carol Nimick, Teacher, California

“I stayed up ‘til 3am last night reading…transfixed. I cannot emphasize enough how VALUABLE this material is. Our society needs the benefit of this information.

I don’t know anyone willing to go “to any length” the way you two have done to break through in the area of relationship. To be able to stand on your shoulders and reap the benefits of all your hard work is priceless.

I began reading the book, absolutely knowing that I did not have a clue and now, I have more insight than I ever knew was possible. I am forever indebted to you & Landon for clearing away the brush and creating this path. I salute your courage, your bravery and your amazing fortitude in seeing this through. I see that, contrary to my previous belief, I am completely able, willing and ready to embark upon this journey!

THANK YOU, you brave & beautiful beings!”
Jane Press, Teacher, Playwright & Actress, California

“This book is a template of love, for everyone to learn how to go to the deeper place, how to know ‘this is a yes’ and to stay with that through the storms. For all relationships, that is the work to be done. It was really powerful to have the male and female points of view and perspectives. Just marvelous. I was blown away.”
Jeanette Piety, Investment Wizard, California

“I am inspired and deeply admire your courage, dedication and true Spirit.”
Val Jon Farris, Consultant, California

“Landon and Diane have fanned the embers of “Being Met” into the deep fire of a “Soul Love”. I found the book exhilarating, intriguing, hope filled and beautiful.”
Zena Whitcombe, Healer, California

“I just finished your book and I loved it! I really enjoyed reading the two perspectives…that made it very interesting and unique. I found myself wanting to read more and curious how it was all going to work out, even though I already knew the ending. It was a page- turner!”
Heather Williams, CEO, Gratitude Organics

“Oh My God! This book was so moving. Phenomenal. It’s real, authentic and powerful. A must read for the planet. Incredibly Strong. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Mardi Boone, Business Owner, Canada

“I’m in awe of who you both are. The book describes EXACTLY what I’m up to—not settling for anything less than extraordinary, yet feeling like sometimes it’s hopeless. The book gives me HOPE!!! It just feels good.”
Micole Noble, Mindfulness Coach, California